Friday, 23 June 2017

week 5 almost finished DAY 40 FINISHED !!!!!!

DAY 40 IS DONE whoohooo !!!!!!
And the amazing news is i stuck with it and through the bad days and the good days...
today was a strength work out it was tough but i did it
and then i felt the need to see the scale (though it's normally only on mondays) and i was secure i'd see the wonderful -1kil i was expecting i had lost through the course of the week
and really happy with my results i thought i finally could see some physical changes and i felt lighter and happier with myself...
well i was in for a disappointed fact... no loss whatsoever... and that got me thinking
how interesting it is that the two times i felt the week was going great and i was feeling thinner were the only two times no results (scale wise) were seen....
so i guess it was a great discovery... no matter what the scale says (and that tight feeling of sadness or disappointment) the victory is elsewhere
indeed there are no scale victory that are mighty powerful

I feel better in my own skin (though still ashamed but i have a long way to go so it is ok)
i feel proud of my journey and the consistency i have shown so far
it helps me push through everyday and i keep sticking with it so that is in itself a huge victory
i have focus and i feel more centered
i am allowing myself to do this JUST for myself and letting others deal with what's need to be dealt with when i have to do MY work out
i have managed to rather do my work out than sit and watch tv (dumbing myself to sleep)
so yeah yeah yeah

and tomorrow is the last day of my work out week (though i may swap with sundays)
go me

Wednesday, 14 June 2017


Again i fell off the wagon far too long
stopped updating because i gained weight
but luckily for me a friend  asked me to help her make a change (et that got ME moving)
it's been 4 weeks
with a very tough one this week as i gained 1kg (lost the previous week) without changing my routine
so that was very tough on the moral but i keep moving forward because even if it is 1/2 a pound a week with 6months that would equal... well 24 lbs and that would be fine by me... but for that to happen i need to stick with it

so here's what i have done yesterday (putting down my weight training in order to have it somewhere)
i follow BBM because Briana Christine is such a vibrant human being, positive and enthusiastic you cannot help but love her and she motivates you
i found that for myself to get the best results i had to get back to BBM 1.0 in order to alternate indoors and outdoors work out but any of them are great
i also dabble to create my own work out following BBM, Fitness blender and BOhobeautiful

i shall write a bit more later on
after a 5mn warm up
Plié squat swing L then R
Pike push ups
Lateral raise  + bicep curl
Tricep kickbacks
teeter totter L then R
Russian twist
one arm row R then L
Tricep dips
Around the world
bent over rows
bicep curls
alternating frontal raise
lateral deltoids flaps

then a 5mn cool down
ouch :p